Gifts to the Conservatory of Music help sustain our world-class music program and provide scholarships, invaluable performance opportunities, access to guest artists, funds for travel, instruments, music software and technology and other critical academic experiences for our students.
Since his tragic passing on January 28, 2019, Dr. Eric Hammer’s past students and friends have asked how they might honor his immense legacy at Pacific. Through a generous gift from his family, Pacific has announced two ways for those who loved Dr. Hammer to honor him and help sustain his two professional loves at the Conservatory of Music: music education and the Conservatory’s thriving band program.
The Hammer Family Memorial Scholarship honors the Hammer family’s long history with University of the Pacific. This new endowed fund provides scholarship support for students pursuing a degree in Music Education at Pacific. The Eric Hammer Memorial Band Fund provides annual support to the Conservatory of Music’s band program.

Gifts to the Conservatory of Music set students on the path to success and help them achieve their artistic and professional goals. Donors also experience the joy of seeing their contributions change lives and lead to positive change. Learn more about how you can get involved and support Pacific students.
Contact Us
Yvette Khan
Assistant Dean for Development at the Conservatory of Music